USCIS announces 48-month extension of Green Cards for Conditional Permanent Residents with a pending I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.
USCIS recently announced that it will extend the validity of Permanent Resident Cards (Green Cards) for 48 months (beyond the current expiration date) for all petitioners who properly file Form I-751, effective as of January 25, 2023.
In addition, USCIS further announced that they will issue new receipt notices for eligible conditional permanent residents who have pending I-751 petitions and who have received (extension) notices for less than 48 months.
For conditional permanent residents with pending I-751 petitions, once you receive this extension notice from USCIS, this means that you can add 48 months to your “Resident Since” date on your Green card.
These Receipt Notices can be presented with an expired Green card as evidence of continued status, work authorization, and travel authorization, during the time that the I-751 remains pending with USCIS.
For more information, contact U.S. Immigration Lawyer Sean D. Hummel to schedule a consultation (954) 385-3111 or email: